

BIOLOGY exam was fine. everyone did it in less than an hour. lol

went home*

watched a movie. so damn funny!

went out*

dinner wit jk, da² & chu. ate in mk in soi m. yum.

pimples are growin. ewwness. haha.

a sign to let people knoe i’m hardworking. lol. hit me!~~ haha

man they’re funny. hekhek. too bad i couldn’t watch the movie wit them cox i felt sick earlier. lol. whatta REASON*

yay! 2 days holiday. grrr. but gotta use those days to study for math.

after 3 days, i’m free. YEYEYEYE!

i’m still sick tho. some people in our class are still coughin and stuff. hmmm.



Guys don’t care if you’re friends with
other guys.

But when you’re sitting next to us,
and some random guy walks into the
room and you jump up and tackle him,
without even introducing us, yeah, it
pisses us off.

It doesn’t help if you sit there and
talk to him for ten minutes without
even acknowledging the fact that we’re
still there.

We don’t care if a guy calls OR TEXTS
you, but at 2 in the morning we do get
a little concerned.

Nothing is that important at 2 a.m.
that it can’t wait
till the morning.

Also, when we tell you you’re pretty/
beautiful/ gorgeous/
cute/ stunning, we freaking mean it.

Don’t tell us we’re wrong.
We’ll stop trying to convince you.

The sexiest thing about a girl is

Yeah, you can quote me.

Don’t be mad when we hold the door
open. Take Advantage of the mood I’m

let us pay for you!
don’t “feel bad”
We enjoy doing it.
It’s expected.

Smile and say “thank you.”

Kiss us when no one’s watching.
If you kiss us when you know
somebody’s looking, we’ll be more

You don’t have to get dressed up for

If we’re going out with you in the
first place, you don’t have to feel
the need to
wear the shortest skirt you have or
put on every kind of makeup you own.

We like you for who you are and not
what you are.
honestly, i think a girl looks more
beautiful when she’s just in her pj’s.
or my
shirt and boxers, not all dolled up

Don’t take everything we say

Sarcasm is a beautiful thing. See the
beauty in it.

Don’t get angry easily.

Stop using magazines/media as your

“Don’t talk about how hot Chris Brown,
Brad Pitt, or Jesse McCartney is in
front of us”.
It’s boring, and we don’t care. You
have friends for that.

Whatever happened to the
word “handsome”/”beautiful”

i’d be utterly stunned by a girl who
greeted me
with “Hey handsome!” instead of “Hey
baby/ stud/ cutie/ sexy” or whatever
else you can think of.
on the other hand I’m not saying i
wouldn’t like it ether ; )

Girls, I cannot stress this enough: if
you aren’t being treated right by a
guy, won’t wait for him to change.
ditch his sorry ASS,he’s a disgrace to
the male population and find someone
who will treat you with utter respect.

Someone who will honor your morals.

Someone who will make you smile when
you’re at your lowest.

Someone who will care for you even
when you make mistakes.

Someone who will love you, no matter
how bad you make them feel.

Someone who will stop what they’re
doing just to look you in the
eyes….and say “i love you” ..and
actually mean it.

Give the nice guys a chance.

Guys repost this if you agree

Girls repost this if you think it’s

Every Guy who isn’t a jerk will agree
with this, so we hope that all the
girls that read this will repost this

*Holding Hands
Girls :If you want to hold his hand,
gently bump into it a couple of
Guys : Grab it if it happens more than

Girls : When you want to cuddle with
him, tell him you’re cold
Guys : Automatically move closer to

Girls : During a movie, if he puts his
arm around you, tilt your head on his
Guys : Lift her chin up and kiss her.

*Loving each other
Guys : When she tells you she loves
you, look deep into her eyes, give her
a peck on the lips, and tell her you
love her
too… And mean it.

*Laying below the stars
Girls : When you’re both laying under
the stars, put your head on his chest
and close your eyes as you listen to
his steady heart beat
Guys : Whisper in her ear and link
your hands with hers.

got it from friendster~~i think it’s cute!!~~

the days have gone by really fast and we’re gonna be having our finals next week. happyhappyhappy!!~~ hahaha

NIKKITING!!~~ dun worry!!! i’ll still go to the sch and find u during lunch break!!~~kee”  SO HAPPY LAARR!!~~ mwahahaha!!!~~ sama ba??~~~ hahahahaha

yay noi’s comin!!~~woohoo!!~~ partaypartay yea!!!~~ can’t wait to be on vacay… yeaaa!!!~~ o btw,

G-LUCK to everyone i knoe who’s gonna be havin their exams!!~~ not to mention, ME;MYSELF&I…

had fun on monday…hekhek… ate lunch wit greta, marga & nikkiting!!~~lol~~~ hahaha ang saya saya!!!~~ awww i missed those gals a lot as in alot!!~~hahaha… i wanna go to the PHILS!!~~and my sista’s place!!~~~~damn can’t wait can’t wait for summer!!!~~ i’ve loads of plans!!!~~harharhar~~~

there’s someone i dislike a lot and i mean i lot!!!~~

i jux wanna punch him on the face!!!~~

bugs me a lot!!!~~~grrr!!!~~freakin piece of thing!!~~


12.04.08 (friday)

yesterday was the YOUTH DAY/TEACHER’S DAY & the form 6’s FINAL ASSEMBLY!!

HAPPEE TEACHER’S DAY. everyone paid $3 for Ms. Conchitchit’s gift. awwww…

anyways, YOUTH DAY celebration was the best this year. i mean there were like song&dance numbers. yay! yay for my dearest friend NINA VERONICA GUTIERREZ CORTES. HAHA iheartiheart!!~~ lol. sana ikaw nlng din ung kumanta!!~~ it could’ve sounded much better!!~~ haha no offence. sorry if i didn’t get to take any piccus of u playin. i of power. lol~~ luckily i asked someone to help me take a piccus. mwahahhaha!!!~~ after the youth day thingy, had the F.6 FINAL ASSEMBLY.

F.6 FINAL ASSEMBLY. LOVED THE END. HEHEHE WHERE IN MOST OF THE PEOPLE CRIED. i almost cried too cox we’ll soon be having ours. so sad. one more year to go guys so let’s MAKE THE MOST OF IT!!! ohhh and gee-luck wit ur exams everyone!!!~~ BOTH FINAL&GCE!!!~~ yeyeye!!! tkecre cox i CARE!!!~~ babababa.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY UKK!!hoho all the best andandand stay HAPPY!!~~=P

03.04.08 (thursday)

received a lot of chocolates from yen!!haha THANKYOUU YEN!!hahaha. oh yea, it was ms. mae’s last day. how sad. oh well, she’ll be back. i knoe her friendster anyway. hohoho. had double econ. and double math. super duper sleepy. *sigh* didn’t copy anything for math so just did my own thing…hahaha soundtrip* yeyeye

04.04.08 (friday)

greta went to my home and we went out together…hoho went to the hospital to get money from my mamii…ate in e.s.kimo in soi m &&& walked around…she bought some stuff and walked again…saw some people but they ddn’t see me.anyways,we were too tired so we went to starbucks and sat&ate&drink.*sigh* she’s really addicted to starbucks.omgg!!!she said we’re gonna celebrate together since i din’t get to celebrate my b-dae.gotta wait for her “panda” tho…haii so long…can’t wait for everyone to come back…after sitting,we walked around again and ummm sat in mk tehn bought food again and sat outside the cathedral.then,there were 2 filipinos who asked us where chinoy was.ngng=0=”then,he asked me whether i was the one who threw the “jin” and im like WHUT?then,we left.hahaha.went home after that cox my legs hurt.i even forgot that we had class the next day.just remembered when my mom asked me if i had to go to sch.

PS. HAPPEE B-DAE TO MY GRANDMA. just wanna greet her even tho she won’t be able to read this. hekhek

05.04.08 (saturday)

haiii. should’ve known that there was only gonna be math class and shouldn’t have come.so boring ahhh. we had 2 1/2 hrs. of math lesson. wtf. i wasn’t able to copy the notes cox i had forgotten my glasses. haii so i jux did nothing at all. waaah wasted my time. shouldn’t have come to sch. i din’t understand a thing. i heard that “he” would be our teacher again next year. waah. i dun want. i dun want my math to be lower than 50. grr!!! i’d be so pissed!!!=x=” so sleepy…ima type again next time.

woah~ haven’t typed in xanga for like ummm a week?? haha. time table for FINAL EXAM’s out already!! ~~haha~~ we’ve got like less than a month to study!!~~waaahhh~~ ohh well BRING IT ON!!~~ i jux want the year to end!!~~ mwahahaha~~ i’m tired of getting up so early in the morning!! hahaha. jux can’t wait for summer!!~~SUMMER SUMMER SUMMER!!~~ yea!!~~ woohooo p. bitch’s comin to town!!!!~~yayyy!!~~ can’t wait!!~~haven’t seen her for more than a year now!! haha. but we’ve to like suffer before we can enjoy. omg!!~~ gotta studystudystudy!!~~ gahhh i dun wanna fail in math anymore. i mean what is it about math that makes it sooo important. hahaha. i used to like math. i mean that was before “he” became our teacher. *sigh* so mo loi=x=”

GOOD LUCK PEOPLE and ADD OIL!~~ WE’VE TO LIKE USE OUR BRAINS NOW. can’t rely on each other now… poor us.><” hahahaha… i jux wanna get promoted and leave the sch!!~~hahaha. can’t wait!!~~

04.02.08 (wednesday)

yay… we’ve changed our seats today. And the good thing is we changed our seats before our CHEMISTRY TEST. woooahh!!! i din’t know our class could be soooo united!!~~ lol~~ woahhh i jux love my seat now. i can like do anything i want!!~~ yay!!!~ ohh yea… beside me is Polly and in front of me is Caro&Damawan!!~~ heehee~~ anyways, got nothing more to say. after sch, nikki went to my home to get something and well she stayed here for more than an hour?? hahaha~~ nothin more to say…. i jux want some chocolates!!~~ i’ve been craving for sth sweet lately!!~~ hohoho