woah~~ haven’t typed in xanga for such a long time. it’s not really that long. harharhar. anywho, i haven’t been doing much lately for the fact that we’re on vacay. i’ve been hangin out wiv some people, sleepin a lot, eatin a lot. lol! and ummmm lesseee doing nothin important. hohoho. it’s good to be free a month earlier than the rest of the students in sch. hahaha. it feels NICE. *evil laugh* i’m not trying to be mean but i just love the feeling of not getting up late and thinkin that the junior highschool, as well as the primary students have to go to school. hahaha. HOW MEAN. ohhh well. what a pity. i’m havin so much fun wiv my friends from the phils. how i wish they didn’t have to leave. *teary* =<<<* i wish i could study in the phils. or ummm where my sis. is. huhuhu. i bet i’d have loads of fun. bttt as they say, life isn’t all about having FUN. too bad cox life’s short and we can only live once. *sigh*

im so gonna miss margaaaaaaaaa!!!! aaaahhhh!!!! just thinkin of her leavin makes me wanna cry. maybe i’m a bit too over but it’s bcox i get to tell her everythin. have so much fun when i’m wiv her. do lots of crazy stuff. it’s sad cox my other friends aren’t here to accompany us being crazy. lalalalala~~~ i sure am gonna be alone AGAIN. as soon as marga leaves, noiala’d be leaving, too. then the rest of em cox most of em left like a few weeks ago. huhuhu. gotta get used to it cox i wouldn’t always get to be wiv them anyways.

i just wanna greet DADA & CARO “BELATED HAPPY BIRFDAY”.=>>>>

anywho, guess i’d be updating this thing again soon. that’s if i feel like writing/typing. hehehe…