i’ve become obssessed with some stuff.coxcoxcox there’s this……..[oooh]


i wanna go to canada. it’s really weird cox i never felt like going there before and now i do.

i also wanna learn french.

weirdweirdweird. dun really know what has got into me.




happy birthdae to my dearest cousin & advanced happy birthdae to my dearest sister even though they won’t be able to read/see this.

dun remember what i did in the morning, but i did go for the toefl thingy in the afternoon. i was distracted by this weird dude in class. woah. he kept on turning around and he kept on yawning. wth??~~ then, there were these 3 who kept on talking. and they talked till the end of the lesson. i soooo wanted to throw my shoe at them so they’d shut up but who was i to do that. lol now i know why our teachers in school get pissed off. we talk a lot and we ignore them. i dun really care though. hahaha. as long as i go to school. mmhmmm….

i’m happy. lol. can’t explain my feelings but i really am after talking to ummm….. a dear friend who’ll be back soon. harharhar.

report card is 2 weeks away and i hope i get promoted cox i dun wanna be left behind. i wanna leave the school asap!!~~~

been munchin on a lot of stuff lately. hahaha. and a lot of people have said i’m bloating?? i dun really care though. as long as i’m happy. i can eat as much as i want. so much for that.


1. How do you usually introduce
yourself to people?
– i’ve no idea. i approach them and… the usual thing.
2. Where do you usually order pizza
– pizza hut lorrr. duuhhh!!!
3. Have you ever been to Australia?
– nope.
4. Have you ever tripped going up
– mmhmm.
5. What’s one thing you did this
– summer’s just started. but i’ve already munched on a lot of yumyum stuff. lol
6. Do you have a dog best friend?
– ummm. nope.
7. Where will you be in 12 hours?
– my bed?. hahahaha]
8. Have you ever thrown something out
of anger?
– yea.
9. Who’s the last person to text
message you?
– someone special. heartshearts. #
10. Last wedding you attended?
– my mom’s friend. dunno the name. haha
11. If alcohol were banned worldwide,
what would your reaction be?
– nice. no one would die of liver cancer now&there would be no fun. poor us.
12. Can you see a phone right now?
– mmhmm.
13. When is your birthday?
– march 20, 1991.
14. Are you a jealous person?
– ummm. not really but i do like the attention at times. lol. so childish.
15. Ever skipped school and spent the
day at the beach?
– once. but it was for a good reason. ohh and i din’t go to the beach.
16. where’s 16?
– here’s one and there’s six. together they make 16. dunno where though. hahaha]
17. Do you miss anyone right now?
– mmhmm.
18. When you’re in a bad mood, what
will always put you in a better mood?
– my mom’s actions. she makes me laugh a lot.
19. Does everyone in your life know the
real you?
– i dunno. different people’d have different opinions. depends on what they think but i am real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! unlike some people…. no offence!!!
20. What were you doing before you
started this survey?
– i dun remember. my sickness. haha
21.what are you doing this morning at 8am?
– sleeping. dreaming.
22. What was the weather like on your
last birthday?
– cold.
23. What are you listening to?
– need to be next to you by leigh nash. old song. hmmmm…]
24. Can men and women be “Just
– mmhmm. y not??? they’re both humans.
25. What woke you up this morning/
– i dunno. i just woke up suddenly.
26. Who was the last person to leave a
comment on your Friendster?
– noinoinoi.
27. Do you listen to music everyday?
– mmhmm. everyday&everywhere w/ my ipod. hahaha can’t live without music. #
28. Plans for tomorrow?
– go to mandarin oriental. #
29. Where was the last place you went
besides your house?
– shops. church. class.
30. Do you enjoy fighting with people?
– who doesn’t? naaahhh. i meant who does? hohoho
31. Have you ever been in the emergency
– mmhmm.
32. do you drink coffee ?
– nope.
33. Are you a bad influence?}
– that’s what my friend’s parents think. they dun even know me that well.
34. Do you close the door when you pee?
– duhhh!!!!!!!!
35. Wallpaper on your computer
– default wallpaper. #
36. Where was your default picture
– near sand’s casino for my picture in friendster.
37. Doing this weekend?
– i’m not much of a planner. #
38. Orange or apple juice?
– orange. yum.


soso tired…. not to mention, my feet hurt!! a LOT!!!!!! but it’ll all be worth it once i get the job. hohoho

*appointment with the dentist this friday. wouldn’t wanna miss it but i’m pretty scared. hahaha

been hanging out with some people a lot lately.

started my toefl course last saturday. it’s fine. a bit hard though as j.s. have said.

i’ve been munchin on different kinds of junk food. hahaha

and finally, i’ve finished all the levels of the game which i was addicted to. [proud proud] lol

i’ll be updating my blog again soon. =D