lalalala. i’ve got this new obsession with this tv series. =D”

&&&i broke the desktop so am currently using the ltop.

badbad thing. cox i can’t download stuff in here. tsktsktsk.=o=”

ima talk about the weather. it’s not good cox it’s soso hot.

it just makes me wanna not do anything.  grrrr.

i dun wanna stay in macau. grrrr. arrrgghhh.

i wanna go some place else and meet new people.

i wanna i wanna i wanna meet…..

i’m hungry. that’s what my mind’s telling me right now. at present.

other present thoughts:

i’m bored&hungry

i’m hungry&bored

i wanna meet that person




i’m full of nonsense so ima stop..

eeek. stop stoppin.


14.07.08 [monday]

monday monday. good day. in the morning, i didn’t have much to do so i watched wrestling with my dad. lol. how nice. father&daughter bonding. anyways, got ready and stuff in the afternoon as i had to meet tiff&maliiaa. anyways, i met up with tiff first tho as we couldn’t get through maliiaa. so bummed. wandered around in sun-star and tiff got sth for her friend and stuff. she had a hard time deciding which necklace to get for her. lol. we met this girl who studies in srl and she’s really nice. hehehe. she bought some other souvenirs for her other friends and met up with maliiaa. then then then, went to pizza hut and we waited for ms. candy. she came after we got there. how punctual of her. lol. we were all laughing so hard as ms. candy kept on going about the food. hilarious. we all had a really good time. took some pics. after and then tiff&malii&i went to haagen dazs. we called julia s. and it was just really funny. she’s the only one who’s not come. sat for a long time in haagen dazs and talked & took pics. it was a funfun night.

15.07.08 [tuesday]

had buffet in BAMBU again. but we were with my dad this time. haaaaaaa. kept going back for desserts. yum. after the buffet, we wandered around the shops in venetian. weeee. din’t get anything tho. thenthenthen, dad&migs went home. and my mom&i met up with my aunt. we went to singing bean to eat, again. hahaha. had cake. damn i just love sugar. yeaaaa. tiff left this day. texted her and yeaa. she was fun to hang with. not to mention, funny. lol.

16.07.08 [wednesday]

missing tiff already. but life has to go on. hung out with my best bitch in the afternoon. went to find her in dynasty and went to venetian together. got to venetian and stuff then looked for stuff in the shops. she really wanted to go shopping. lol. anyways, we walked a lot as in really. ate in mk as she can only eat food from there. she treated me. again, lol. how nice. anyway, after a long, long day/night/evening or whatever, we went back to macau and then went to e.s.kimo and drank. i treated her this time. lol. went home and used the pc. then, waited for my mom & dad to come home. ate the food my mom bought. midnight snack. lol.

17.07.08 [thursday]

had my canine extracted. i really thought it would hurt like a lot and it did but only a bit. it really hurt when the dentist put the anaesthesia. i felt the needle go through my skin. ouch! all in all i didn’t feel a thing when he was extracting my tooth. i felt rather sleepy so i closed my eyes and opened it when it was over. damn, after the extraction of my tooth, i went straight home hoping i wouldn’t meet anyone cox i look like a freakin monkey! or even worst, a pig. after a while, the bottom part of my face got swollen. i’m hideous and can’t go out until it goes back to normal. poor me. and what a pity cox i really wanna go out. grrrrrr. hope it gets better soon. damn, i look worst than normal. damn!


11.07.08 [friday]

stayed at home in the morning and hung out with my best budd in the afternoon. i missed her soso much. good thing she’s here. anyhow, she’s still the same. like she’s still funny and everything but she dresses like a lady now. no more wearing random clothes for this chic. hahaha. walked around sm again. stayed there for like a few hours. went to e.s.kimo, then went shoppin for clothes. went to starbucks and chilled. talked about stuff and then went to mcdonalds. it was raining so hard, we had to go there. like to sit again. no umbrella. poor us! i was like really tired and stuff but we couldn’t just walk home so i had to call my dear brother to come out and he did. he only brought one umbrella so we still had to share and we also got wet. wtf! no use of having an umbrella. anyhow, i had fun. like it was totally fun. lol

hahaha the words can barely be seen. sorry bout that!!! lol

12.07.08 [saturday]

went for class in the afternoon and hung out with tiff&maliiia in the evening. ate ice-cream in mk. hahaha. again. ate&ate&ate. we just hung around soi m and stuff. took pics. nice ones? ngng. tried to look for the perfect gift for a friend.  after walkin around for like i dunno how long, we went to e.s.kimo again. haha. yumyum french toast. then, they went to my home to get the books. then, they left and i ate the food mom brought from hk. yum^^”

13.07.08 [sunday]

ate at mk for lunch cox it was kitty’s birthday PARTY. lol. it was fun!!!! felt like a child again. played a game vs. the kids. lol. how FUN!!!! hahahaha. ate a lot. hahaha. then, went to church. then, i dunno what happened. all i know is that i’m happy! :D:):D but i dun show it unless i see that person. haven’t seen that person for a longlong time. i’m still happy tho. hahaha.


30.06.08 (monday)

accompanied my dad somewhere.=D”

01.07.08 (tuesday)

didn’t do much in the morning. went to play badminton with some people on such short notice. =p” they made the game interesting. losers had to do push-ups. fortunately, we won. hohoho. my partner was good. after playing badminton, they were all sweaty. ugghhh. i dun sweat. haahahaha. anyways, the two gays were planning to go home but when we said we were going to sm, they were like ohhh together. walked to sm and went to the arcade. long time, no play. and hahaha i din’t spend at all cox they paid. nicenice~ funny when people find something to laugh about. makes me even laugh harder. love hangin out with the two brothers. they’re funny & fun. funfunfun. too bad i only get to hang with them every summer. what a pity! =[“

02.07.08 (wednesday)

went for yum chaa in the morning in emperor hotel. too sleepy tho. was forced by my mom to get up. the food wasn’t so good and the service wasn’t so good according to my aunts. after a couple of hours sitting and eating, we were ready to go? hahaha. went shopping with my mom & aunts. i din’t get to buy anything tho. thenthenthen, met up with migs&uncle dave in the bowling alley near ruins of st. paul. i din’t play cox i’ve no interest in bowling. i’d rather go ice-skating. =)” thenthenthen, ate at granma’s place for dinner/lunch or whatever that was. watched a movie but din’t get to finish it.

03.07.08 (thursday)

woke up and took a shower. got dressed and went to granma’s place to carry some stuff for the bbq thingy. sooo heavy. ohh well, had no choice. went to hac saa. and started the bbq thingy. yumyumyum. ate a lot. been eating a lot these past few days. nikki&daphne came too. after eatin, the 3 of us went to the beach to dip ourselves. ugghhh. first time to swim in the beach ever. it was nice & not to mention muddy. put mud all over my arms. hahahaha. i din’t get my shirt or my shorts dirty cox i was wearing all black. hohoho. din’t have a towel cox i din’t plan to swim but i did have spare clothes, fortunately. was still wet after changing, of course. went to daphne’s home and i got on her bike. nice. hahaha. supposed to go biking but the biking thingy was almost closing that time so they din’t get to ride. but i did. ate in mcdonald’s. long time, no eat in mk. hahahaha. yum. i think. went to daphne’s home again and watched LWD. lovin m.s. hahaha. decided to go to nikki’s place & when we were at the busstop, some people from jw talked to us. i wasn’t really interested. they said “everyone has a name and God must have the right to have a name” and they were like “what do you think God’s name could be?” and i was like “God” without thinking. nikki laughed. hahaha. it was pretty funny. anyways, dunno what else they said. went to nikki’s place and she told me which chords to use to play the songs on her guitar. yay. am practisin the chords already. hahahaha. good for me. lol anyways, nikki & ate lolette accompanied me to the busstop. had to ride 33 cox there wasn’t any bus. great day. wasn’t tired at all.

04.07.08 (friday)

mom&dad cooked some of our dishes. lol. and my relatives from my mom’s side came to eat. and there were quite a lot of them so i ended up washing most of the dishes. poor me. ={“

05.07.08 (saturday)

today was my godmother’s b-day and we ate at the bambu resto in venetian. great food. too full. &&& got scolded by my dad for skipping the first lesson. big deal. it’ll be compensated by another class anyway. ugghhh… gotta go & meet my cousins now. ima type again later….

27.06.08 (friday)

report card day. major disappointment. woaahh. i have two flunk grades. waaah.  my rents told me to study harder. and i am studying but i get distracted easily. *sigh* anyway, i dun think i can be in the commercial field in college cox i hate economics. if it weren’t for it, i’d only have one flunk grade. damn it. my brother, on the other hand, received a lot of awards and stuff. my dad’s right, i dun give my 100% when i’m studying. it’s not my fault my subjects are hard & not to mention boring.  after the report card thingy, had lunch w/ my family… and i finally saw my aunt&uncle who came back to macau. woah. nothing changed. hahaha. of course it’s only been a year since i last saw them. they were like hey ginny in the bottle. lalalalala. walked around in venetian w/ my cousin. then we went back to macau. i was exhausted.

28.06.08 (saturday)

bro.’s graduation but i din’t go cox i wasn’t invited. >w<” pretty weird. anyway, i went for class and met w/ my mom&dad&bro. to have dinner. then, we went to my gran’s place to watch this movie w/ my relatives. but i din’t watch. at least my cousins&i didn’t. i thought it was gonna be a good one but it was more like .

29.06.08 (sunday)

woke up early than usual. had dinner w/ my relatives again. andandand went to their place to watch movies, not to mention again. gotta spend a lot of time w/ them cox they’re leaving pretty soon. this time i watched w/ them. it was more of disgusting than scary. and they said it was scary. =0=”