this is hilarious!!!!

anyway, this holiday has been well, fun. haha. loved hanging with ukk&jk&chu&dada. hehe. love you guys!!!!! it’s been a blast. haha. had loads of fun and really loved the company which is why i really LOVE you all!!!! seriously!!!!

hung out with two of my friends from phils. harharhar. missed them loads and will be missing them again. life’s life.


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lovin these people including myself. hahaha. the heck.

btw, i want twilight stuff. haha. i want i want i want. too bad, can’t get any of them here coz as always, macau is slow in importing those kinds of stuff. boohoo



i HEART you JK! haha. because of you, i now know how ummm amazing or whatever you call it, TWILIGHT is! am totally out of adjectives. haha. really glad you talked me into this! now i’m really gonna hit the books! damn! really enjoyed it. harharhar. and i totally enjoyed watching the movie with jk&ukk. hohoho.

i wanna watch it again&again&again. haha.

LA PUSH BABY, LA PUSH. harharhar.

i heart everyone! i heart the people from school except that ar sir!

i’ve got this feeling that can’t seem to go away. haiiii* fantasy.

stupid thing! stupid feeling!

anyway, exams luuuu. good luck to EVERYONE i know!

can’t wait for some people to come back! hohoho.

CHRISTMAS IS COMING, SING A SONG! LALALALA sighsighsigh. so mo liu.=0=”