i’m not sure about what i should do anymore. i seriously don’t want to be a disappointment to my family, most especially my mom. i’m soso sad. i mean like i did study, but i guess it wasn’t good enough again. damn it i’ve no idea how i should study. i don’t feel like i even want to study anymore especially because i get the same result as when i study and when i don’t. i hate all those structural questions. i’m not good at analysing things and she often gives those in the test. i am not motivated to do any better because i hate those science subjects. it’s not like i’m gonna be a chemist or something someday. i’ve never really thought about that. i certainly don’t want to retain and be left behind by my dear bitches. nonono must do better next time. that’s if there’s even a next time. i’m not losing hope because there are so many people around me who believe i can do it, but i just can’t help myself from feeling like this. just wanna thank the people around me, you’re always there even in my darkest nights. hoho so dramatic, but yea i’m serious. i really love you guys especially daphne/dada/kitty/jackie/julia/yen/rosina/teresa/pat/tiff and well everyone!! :]”

oh yea enough with the drama, i just love annoying people especially ummm everyone! i’m such an ass and i admit it, but what can i say, i just can’t help it. i really love you guys tho! so yea, once again thanks&your welcome! it’s not everyday you’ll get to hear from me and it’s just my way of spreading my ♥. haha kidding!~ i think everyone who’ll read this would wanna hit me.♥

  31.01.09 [SATURDAY]



had a fun night at her celebration for the fact that i knew more people there. i had to leave earlier though for some reasons unknown. lalala

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07.01.09 [SATURDAY]

brought jk to the harbour today. missin her already!!!! just can’t believe she’s gone. but i’ll never ever forget her!!!!!