Something I wrote for our essay. 😛

Mcdonald’s and Starbucks are two of the most popular or hottest places that people love to stop by and just chill/relax.  They’ve been a part of people’s lives for decades.  Both the fast-food restaurant and coffeehouse are diverse, which makes each of them one of a kind.  They have some similarities like they both offer counter services, but are different in terms of environment, as well as, variety.  Mcdonald’s is open twenty-four seven and anyone working late at night has the opportunity to go there and have a snack.  The foods they offer are mostly finger foods.  We have observed that people who walk into Mcdonald’s are of various age, from children to middle aged and seniors.  When people come into this restaurant, they usually have to queue up until it’s their time to order.  And often times, it is full of people and waiting in line can be a test of patience.  The seating arrangement is very well organized, with good spacing in between tables and comfortable seats, each customer can mind and do their own business without disturbing others.  There are a few rules that people ought to follow, like smoking is prohibited, since most of the people who eat there are children, it would be extremely bad for their health if they get to inhale the smoke and vandalism is a big no no.  Also, everyone is reminded to take good care of their belongings.  Everyone knows that consideration is very important, so they follow the rules and are good at it.  Another observation we made is that, since the lightings are bright, Mcdonald’s is a good place for families to spend time together, for teenagers to sit and socialize, or it can also be for students to come together and study, whilst eating.  Music is usually played and most customers would customarily take the opportunity of just sitting back and relaxing while enjoying their meal. 

Starbucks, on the other hand, is somewhat similar to Mcdonald’s, as mentioned earlier.  However, their customers tend to be teenagers or older.  It is open from morning till dawn.  The varieties of food are simply desserts: cakes, donuts and muffins which are good enough to go with coffee.  The lightings are quite dim and this attracts people to come and just loosen up, while sipping on espressos.  The seating arrangement of Starbucks is quite unique and they have various kinds of seats, from armchairs to high stools and side chairs.  People come to Starbucks and have a seat in their most comfortable seats and they can do anything they want to do, like socializing with other people, relaxing, using their laptops if they have one and smoking because there’s a room for smokers only.  An observation we made is that the customers can stay as long as they want and not be asked to leave by the baristas.  After all, they’re just trying to take the pressure from work or school off their shoulders and just letting the soft music flow in their minds.  The baristas won’t take their empty cups once they have finished, unlike in Mcdonald’s, waiters would immediately take the trays away once people have finished eating.  Also, it is rare for people to come to Starbucks in a bunch.  Usually, there would just be two to three people staying together, or they could even come alone if they feel like it.



first day of our semestral break and I’m at home. LAME! but, it’s okaay. 🙂 better contact all the people who have come back to macau before it’s too late again, and then i wouldn’t be able to meet them. anywho, i’m at home right now, and obssessed with a show from the phils. hahaha =.=” i wanna go back to school… there’s nothing do now. no job. lame lame lame.


Finally done with the essay. :] thank you Ermelinda! 🙂 

Exam’s almost over and I can’t wait to celebrate wif my buddies. I have loads of plans, but I doubt that I can stick to them cause I usually just go with the flow. harharhar I’m ecstatic. lalala super duper ecstatic, despite the fact that I haven’t finished revising for my exams tomorrow. :)) I wanna go out of Macau for vacay… i wanna go hang wif Julia R. hahaha Good luck to everyone who are having their exams and add oil! =]] gonna try to enjoy every single second of our freshman year.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO A FRIEND. he won’t see it, but i still would like to greet him here. XD


i’m ecstatic. super duper ecstatic, despite the fact that my exams start tomorrow.

soooo there i was at the library with ermelinda, and i went down to the comfort room and when i went up, i was minding my own business and looking around and stuff, until he caught my eye. hahaha :)) kidding! well, the library was the last place i expected to see him… hahaha he probably recognized me, but didn’t seem like he cared. pffttt… mixed emotions. =] i thank ermelinda for tolerating me in always talking about him. love youu! 🙂