trip trip. :)

trip ko lang naman mag tagalog ngayon. harharhar miss ko na mga people. wala langgg. gusto ko umuwi sa pinas para mag movie marathon kasama si lia. :(( i wish… i wish friend ko si someone. gusto ko lang gumala ngayon… gusto ko ng excitement. sana merong bago… bagong place, bagong surroundings. miss ko naa ang jollibee and and and greenwich kaya gusto ko umuwi. haha shallow ng reason. dati wish ko sana laging holiday, pero ngayon feel ko gusto ko laging pumasok kase namann ang boring sa bahay, tapos half day pa ko lagi. sheesshhh… gusto ko mag work pero wala ko mahanap kase hindi ako nag hanap. anywhoo, wala na ko masabi. trip trip lang mag tagalog. nyahahaha


life. :)

bonjour. comment tu t’apelle. hahaha wanna have french lesson again this summer. :)) the ones i mentioned earlier are all i remember. anywho, that’s not what i wanted to talk about. there are sooo many people in the world… and in macau alone… some people, we may know, others, we may meet and most people are complete strangers. it’s funny how sometimes we tend to want to know strangers. lalala… don’t feel like typing anymore… i think i’ve said what i wanted to say. hahaha

500 days of summer.

So I watched 500 days of summer, and it was a good movie, no doubt about that… it was sad though, cause Summer and Tom were never together.  They were together literally, and did things only couples would do, but Summer never had a thing for Tom… boo for Tom.  It was really hard for him to get over her, until he met a girl called Autumn, and the movie ended. :))

I honestly have got to find something better to do. :] 

P.S. Summer got married to a dude.  How ironic.  And to think…for someone who didn’t believe in love… she made a vow and they were pronounced man & wife. lmao

wanna go for a movie marathon. loads of good movies comin’ up. 🙂 can’t wait for “LOVELY BONES”, “ALICE IN WONDERLAND”, “DIARIES OF A WIMPY KID”, “REMEMBER ME” and mooore. 🙂 want companyy. =]


belated HAPPY VALENTINES DAY to everyone. :)) and and and HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!

talked to my sister this morning and she told me about stuff…sigh* i really wish there’d be someone whom i can tell everything and will be there for me when i need him, someone i can consider my “brother/bestfriend”. my sister was telling me about hers and i can’t help myself from wishing that i, too, would have someone like her bestfriend… someone who i can call anytime without him thinking about something else…

blahh. and more blaahh. :P

soooo, am officially on holiday, and there’s nothing to do. no idea about how i’m gonna spend the rest of my holiday. i don’t wanna stay at home, but there’s not much place to go to in macau. i miss my best friend. :[[ how i wish, she was heeeere and not there. back to wishing…i wish to be productive, but i’ve no job. lalala and lately, i’ve been spending a lot on fooood. HAHA i wish to meet new people. new friendly people. 🙂 i wish to do a lot of things and be a lot of things and hopefully i’ll be able to achieve some of them. i’ve no idea wth am typing right now… =.=” i wanna be busy busy busy. :)) and i wanna go on an adventure, may sound childish, but once in a while, we tend to see and look for something NEW. aiyaaaaa, i wish everyone were heere, and by everyone, i mean my friends who aren’t in macau.