Happy Tuesday:))

🙂 Good day today:) One of my favorite days of the week is Tuesday mainly because I get to have lunch with my one and only babyboooo:) I always feel like getting out of Spanish class earlier than the dismissal time, but it never happens as our professor always lets us go only when she’s done talking and stuff… Anywho, we had lunch at E.S.Kimo and yeaa I was full after eating rice and more rice:P  Also, we went to the supermarket nearby to get some ice-cream:)) Desserts are essential:D Got to class on time, I suppose and that’s pretty much how everything went today…


I had sooo much fun with my bf yesterday:) Started my day by doing chores and had lunch at his crib and stuff:D We got to go out right after fixing his hair(seriously, for a guy, he cares about his hair so much)… not that it matters, but I really really wanted to hang out and walk around the area.  Anywho, we stopped by a bakery and bought some sweet stuff:) YUM!:)  We walked around and stopped by shops until we decided to go to Taipa and that’s when he started making me laugh sooo hard, I couldn’t stop giggling:P  Had McDonald’s before going to work, sigh, junk food, but sigh, so yummy! :))  When I got to work, there were a lot of people already and I honestly didn’t feel like working, just wanted to walk some more with my baby, but anywho, got through it and bought food for my brother who never gets enough (and he’s thin! ><“) how fair is that! :/  Watched a couple of videos with my bf and yeaa… That’s pretty much it:) Had an awesome Saturday:)  The day was just perfect, even the weather was nice:)

mango snowball:Pgood stuff:)

good stuff:)

see the resemblance b/ my babyboo:P

favorite snack:))

we're lovin' it! :)favorite snack:))

Today was just okay, I didn’t have that much fun.  I disliked the weather… sooo gloomy and dark:/  The weather actually has an effect on my mood most of the time… I went to church with my family in the morning and had lunch with them at New Yaohan.  We didn’t really get to walk around cause they didn’t want to and I had to go back to uni to take photos with our seniors who are going to graduate soon:)  It was nice, but still the weather was ughhh… Took photos and then went with the people from FSHSA to have hi-tea somewhere I’m not familiar with.  And then I had to go home cause I had to do something… oh well… that’s that! 😛

my birthday♥ 20.MARCH.2011

The twentieth of March was the day I turned TWENTY:) and I’m happy I got to celebrate it with my loved ones:) It was a Sunday and I went to church in the afternoon with my dad♥ I met up with my boyfriend after church and we walked back home together… Anywho, we got back home and then we went to “The Golden Dranon” Hotel:)) and waited for our mom to get there and we had buffet♥ I really really had an awesome time with my loved ones:) There’s no one else I’d rather be with on that day than them:)

uniform day/pre birthday celebration♥


Firstly, an event was held by the Marketing Society at school and everyone was welcome to wear their old highschool uniforms.  I really had fun and not to mention, I missed my old uniform and I’m actually sad my mom gave all my uniforms away.  However, thanks to Ermelinda, I got to participate in that event:D I enjoyed my time at school taking photos with friends, mates and our professors:) There was something that upset me though, I lost some of my photos when I tried saving them in the usb and deleted them from the computer. oh well…

Secondly, when I got home, I was sooo exhausted from school and stuff and there was this thing at my house and friends of my mom came and it turned out to be my pre-birthday celebration:D  My boyfriend came after cause he had to work:/ but, overall, I had a fun day:)


last weekend♥

Today is Monday again and I’m just doing my own stuff in the computer lab with my friends and just simply killing time:P Well, what i really wanted to blog about was my saturDAY with my babybooo:] I had fun with him even if I had to go to work after which sucked big time.  We met up at his crib and then we decided to go where our feet would take us:P Anywho, our first stop: a gadget store, as always, he’s sooo into gadgets but, oh well.  Then, then, then, we went looking for stuff I wanted: clothes and other stuff:)  Got this skirt which turned out to be a pair of shorts.  They’re still cute though. :)) Then, went on a foodtrip!  We both love eating so yeaa… Had noodles and fried stuff.  Also, went to this place in Taipa where we could just loosen up and relax.  We took pictures and yeaa:D  I had to go to work after… However, after work, we bought and brought some food for daddy in his workplace and then we went to my crib:) watched and played the thingy on his phone:) Had an awesome time:D

junk food! 😛

goofin' around:P



random post♥




Today, my western civ. class was cancelled so I got home pretty early and I just did some random stuff.  Edited random pictures, and the title of this post pretty much says everything.  SOOOO RANDOM! 😛