just d-d-d-dance! :)

Yesterday was LADIES’ NIGHT at Bellini and I went with two of my girlfriends Cali and Ana a.k.a. Banana:) Our other friend Mcee couldn’t come so it was just the three of us.  Had a couple of drinks and the next thing we knew we were on the dance floor just having the time of our lives:P yepp… was a bit tipsy already, but I could still think straight.  After a few hours, we went to Cubic and had tequilla shots:)  Anywho, I got home at my bf’s curfew though not on time and yea…  I had an awesome night though I missed out on a lot of stuff X(


Today, I hung out with my friends whom I have not seen for a really long time.  It was a day of randomness starting from the time we met up to the things we talked about and stuff like that.  Missed them and I enjoyed their company:)

summer, oh you’re here? :D


This was the day of my last exam and officially the end of sophomore year:)  I had fun:) can’t wait for junior year… NOT! 😛


So, my friend organized this bbq/swimming thing, but we didn’t know whether it would still be on since the weather was not really co-operating (it was cloudy and well, it rained). However, my friend decided to do the bbq thing at her place and it’s a good thing there’s a pool in the building where she lives:)  Carlos and I were late so we only got to swim for a while because the thing closes at 7… it closes pretty early.  It’d be enjoyable we could swim all night… Anywho, we headed up to my friend, Ana’s place:) I had sooo much fun playing kinect, blackjack and I especially loved the BBQ her mom cooked for us, not to mention the PANSIT PALABOK (which is a filipino dish with eggs and lemon) yea, I do not really know how to explain.  We played blackjack and loser gets a shot of vodka… I was losing at first but then it turned out alright when they decided to play with money (1 pataca for each round) and I won twice:) hahaha luckyyy! 😀 I was a bit tipsy but I was fine.  I went home with my amiga, Cali and my novio Carlos:)  It was a fun night:)

maxi dress:)


I went out with mommy today:)  I was really feeling bad about the news my friend told me, but I figured I can’t change anything by feeling bad so I went out with mi madre:)  I had an awesome time with her, though I was kind of pissed because we kept on stopping to take photos (photos of her that is XP).  Anywho, we went to Venetian and ate at the food court:) plus, I purchased some new stuff:P  I bought two tank tops and a necklace:) yaaay! and thankyou mommy:)  She brought me to work:)  Had late dinner with mi novio:)