It’s the first time in four years since we’ve had a real vacation.  My mom planned a short trip to Singapore for us instead of going back to the Philippines.  She said it was so much better and that way, we get to travel and experience something different.  She was right.  But before we went there, we did some research as to where we should go, booked a hotel in advance (it is a MUST).  We did not go on a group tour since they’re usually always in a rush and I don’t think it would be enjoyable that way.  We had our own itinerary and we just stuck to that.  We were very fortunate as the location of our hotel was just near the main roads or streets of Singapore.  We did not have difficulty in looking for our hotel since everyone there can speak and understand English and thanks to my brother who has a good eye and reads the signs.  Anywho, after checking in to our hotel, we put or bags down and rested a little.  Then, we went down again and looked for a place to eat.  It wasn’t that hard either since we passed by some malls, food stalls, fast-food restaurants and so on.  However, we ended up at the food court at “The Lucky Plaza”.  It was just a small food court, but they had different types of cuisines:  from Filipino cuisine to Chinese, Indonesian, Japanese, etc.  We roamed around the shops to kill time before meeting up with mom’s relative.  Unfortunately, we were not able to meet up with her due to some reasons, so mommy and I roamed around the shops some more while my dad and brother went back to the hotel.  That wraps up our first day in Singapore.

A little “gathering” with high school friends.

It’s been two years since I left my high school, SRL and since not everyone are the same and we all have different choices, dreams and goals, each of us have taken our own paths to what we think would be best for us.  We had a little gathering and it’s just nice to see friends from secondary and catching up with what they’ve been doing or what they’ve been up to.  Not everyone live in Macau, now that everyone’s in college.  A lot of people have gone abroad to study and summer is pretty much the only time we can spend time laughing and being insane together.  I’m so glad they have not changed one bit and I’ve really missed them.  We had lunch together at a Chinese restaurant and had Chinese cuisine which I love so much because their food is delicious and I don’t often get to go to those kinds of restaurants since I do not come from a Chinese family.  In addition, this restaurants usually serve tea every meal time which is why they call it “yum chaa” that literally means “drink tea”.  I had a great time with my friends and I was satisfied with the food.