Shopping in Hong Kong with My Baby ♥.

Hong Kong is just an hour away by ferry from Macau and mi novio and I have been planning to go there for as long as I can remember, but couldn’t because of school or other reasons. We got the chance to go during our Chinese New Year holidays and he was able cheap tickets because he’s currently working at The Venetian as an intern. We got up really early, but we were almost late because the harbour where we had to take the ferry was in Taipa (a bridge away from Macau). Anywho, we rode the taxi when we got to Taipa and got there just in time. Phew! For a minute there, I thought we’d have to purchase tickets again. I was lacking sleep so the moment we got to our seats, I fell asleep right away and I think he did the same and we woke up to the sound of the lady announcing that we were already there.

We had breakfast at Jollibee, a fast food restaurant that’s similar to Mcdonald’s and then we headed to Causeway Bay. We weren’t able to take much pictures, but we managed to take some as we were in a hurry to go where we planned, like Mong Kok and so on, so forth. Shopping in Hong Kong is just well so much better than shopping in Macau because almost everthing could be found there and most things could be bought at a cheaper price too. So much for that, we’re planning to go back soon. ♥







Happy Lunar New Year everyone! 

It was the first day of the Lunar New Year celebration and my mom and I decided to go to The Venetian to eat and simply just have fun! I decided to ask my boyfriend to come as well since he was on holiday too! We had sooo much to eat for three people! HAHA! It was all good though cause we were starving anyway. And Macau’s weather is just perfect for pigging out  since it’s freezing! We also went to the casino to gamble a little. Mommy stayed at the casino for a little bit longer while Carlos and I walked around the shops. I wanted to buy a lot of stuff but we didn’t have much time left since Mommy finished playing. Carlos and I walked around some more after we got back from The Venetian but decided to go back home because none of the shops were open. See, this is the downside of Lunar New Year, I mean I love the occasion and everything but it’s pretty boring if you go out on those days. The Venetian is where a lot of people go to so it’s open 24/7. That’s why we went home and we decided to watch movies and eat again afterwards! Well, that wraps up our day! Happy Chinese New Year everyone! 恭喜發財! 








Cheers to the Weekend!

Weekends! Oh, how I love weekends! This is because weekends are the only time now where I get to spend time with my boyfriend ever since he started his internship. I love spending time with him and the fact that we only get to see each other at the end of the week makes me want to hang out with him more than usual. First off, we love eating and that’s something we have in common and there was this place I’ve been wanting to go to for ages but never really got the chance to do so. Saturday seemed like the perfect day to go there and try out their burgers. The fast food restaurant is called “Brick’s Burger” and apparently, they’re the only one who serves good burgers here! Haha! It’s affordable and it can definitely satisfy anyone who eats them! I would definitely recommend it to anyone who comes to Macau. I spent the whole day hanging around with my baby until he had to leave for dinner at his aunt’s place. I had fun even though the day went by so quickly.







