My baby’s 21st

My baby’s birthday was on a Friday, but since I was not able to go and celebrate with him, we decided to meet up on Saturday for lunch. Moreover, I was broke so I was not able to get him a cake. I got him a present though, something I thought he’d always wanted. Anywho, we had lunch together at the “Pokka Cafe” and had a good meal. After lunch, we went to “The Venetian” and since I was having a hard time walking with my wedges, I asked Carlos if we could go sit at Starbucks for a while and he agreed. We sat there for a while and I had a good time sipping on caramel macchiato and eating a custard doughnut. I bought my baby a slice of cake since I couldn’t afford to get him a whole cake. I was also super excited to give him his present and that’s when I gave it to him, it was poorly wrapped but I have my reasons. After a while, we walked around the shops at “the Venetian” and I saw these skinny jeans or trousers in almost every colour and I wanted to get all of them. Unfortunately, I had no dough left after buying my baby his present. Haha! However, he was soooo nice as to get me the red pair since he really saw how much I wanted it. I love love love him. It’s like he got me a present on his birthday which is super sweet of him. I had such a lovely weekend. 🙂



-Japanese Curry Omelette


-Spaghetti Bolognaise20120319-105952.jpg

-Thailand mixed satay BBQ20120319-110012.jpg

-Custard Doughnut and New York Cheese cake20120319-110040.jpg

-My baby :))20120319-110206.jpg

-In the fitting room trying on the blue skinny jeans 🙂 I got the red one though 😛20120319-110147.jpg

When old friends gather…

It’s been a long time since my friends in gradeschool and I have seen each other and got together. I was the only one who never left Macau while most of them left to study in the Philippines, etc. My friend Tiffany is from Indonesia and it’s been three years since I last saw her because as she said, she’s been busy with her intern and stuff. We had dinner together with a bunch of our other friends and the feeling of being together again was just nice. Of course, people can’t be together all the time. I’m just saying that I’m overwhelmed with joy and glad that we’re still friends after all these years. There’s just so many memories, mostly good.





