Hong Kong! We meet again! XD

I spent the weekend in Hong Kong a couple of days ago to see my aunt off due to the fact that she’s leaving for the UK in a couple of days… And despite the fact that I have so much to do, I still had time to enjoy myself.  My mom told me a week before that she had booked the hotel and everything so I was forced to go.  Not that I didn’t want to, it’s just I had so much on my plate and that when I got back I had so little time for my assignments and projects.  Not to mention, I didn’t even get to study for my Spanish oral exam but I guess it was fine.  Anyway, I hope you enjoy the photos below. 😀


my mommy dear! 😀


un petit dejeuner (blueberry muffin @ Delifrance)


Snack time!


Meet my cousin, Kuya Mick! 🙂




Have a slice of Paisano’s Pizza! XD


Good morning sunshine! 🙂


Indonesian soup for lunch!




Fried stuff.


Don’t know what it’s called but it was yummy!


Goreng noodles topped with chicken and veggies.


Gadu gadu! Indo salad!


Our room. XD

Honestly, we did nothing but window shop, eat and wander around some more.  On the first day, I bought goodies from MUJI!  Man, I love Muji, especially their stationery and yummy treats! Oh and I got to try the pizza from Paisano’s and it was unbelievably huge!!!  I even had to share one slice with both my mom and aunt!  Not that I couldn’t finish one but whatever.

On the next day, my mom went to get a hair cut so I wandered around Central and Causeway Bay with my dearest godmother.  Haha!  Reminded me of our time in the UK…  I shall miss her!!  She’s a cool aunt and an awesome shopping buddy!

We had Indonesian for lunch where we met up with my mom and cousin in Causeway Bay.  I was soooo hungry so I couldn’t wait to eat and so we ordered a lot because my cousin had invited his friends too sooo voila!  After that, we went back to the hotel to get our stuff and went to the ferry harbour to go back to Macau.  I had a fun weekend even though I know I do not deserve it. Hahaha!  Anyway, stay tuned for my next post. XD


Treats from Muji! muahaha Love these! 🙂

Abercrombie & Fitch!

Abercrombie & Fitch!

New beanie! :)

New beanie! 🙂

Oh and Happy anniversary to my parents! It was their anniversary when we got back so yay! 😛