December 8. ♥

My baby's cappuccino!

My baby’s cappuccino!

Mango cake! Yum!

Mango cake! Yum!

Caramel macchiato!

Caramel macchiato!

It was finally the weekend once again and as usual, I went out with Carlos where we celebrated our monthsary. Haha! We walked around Macau and the tiny little shops. I couldn’t really walk properly though because I had a hard time walking in my boots. I began to think that it was a bad idea for me to have bought those, but I couldn’t help it! They were really cute when I saw them in the UK. Haha Anyway, we went to this place called “Akasaka Cafe” and from the sound of that, we thought they served Japanese dishes like sushi and stuff, but we were wrong. They did have some ramen, Japanese rice, tempura, etc. though, but aside from those, they also had macaroons! Yes, macaroons, just like those of Paris! Of course they can’t be compared to Lauduree’s, but anyway, we decided to just have coffee and a piece of cake since I didn’t really feel like eating rice or noodles.

On a side note, it wasn’t really that cold on that day so I just put on a shirt and cardigan, jeans, booties and I was off to go! Below are the photos of what I wore but since we didn’t have the SLR on that day, we just used my baby’s phone…

My outfit on that day!

My outfit on that day!


The boots that gave me a hard time in walking...

The boots that gave me a hard time in walking…

What I wore: | Top: Marks & Spencer | Cardigan: Marks & Spencer | Booties: New Look | Red Skinny Jeans: Stradivarius | Bag: Nessa

25 months and counting. ♥

I would just like to post some random stuff about me and my boyfriend.  It’s our 25th month and this is the first time for us to be apart on our monthsary.  I miss him so much, but we’re learning to be apart from each other but as the saying goes “distance makes the heart grow fonder” which is so true.  I can’t wait to be reunited with my baby!!

I’ve so much to thank for♥ (Part 2)

This is a continuation of my previous post. Hence, the title. My sister is on the other side of the world and it’s been years since we last saw each other, but thanks to technology, it’s not hard to reach her. Anyway, she sent me a recording of her voice wishing me a happy birthday and I couldn’t stop laughing cause she was making this funny voice. Moreover, she sent me a picture of her. Aww, so sweet.


For dinner, my mom, boyfriend and I had dinner at the Pokka Cafe, same place where my bf had his birthday. The food is just to die for, which is why we keep coming back. It was just the three of us since my dad had to work that night and my brother had school the next day. We had a lot to eat, as usual and the moment I got there, I was oh so hungry and I couldn’t wait. I had such a lovely birthday and it’s actually the third year I’m celebrating it with Carlos. Aaah! Time really flies!

P.S.  The light was too bright and I didn’t bring a camera so the photos were taken from my phone.

– Food!!!!


–  With my Baby Fatsooo 


– With mommy!!


– My fatsoo and moi


– Banana split for dessert


I’ve so much to thank for♥

Twenty one years ago, I was brought into this world by my loving mom whom I am really thankful for. I thank God for the wonderful life He has given me, my parents,siblings, friends. etc. I can’t ask for anything else especially because of the fact that I feel so loved. The day before my birthday, I was busy after school because my friend and I had to interview senior high school students for our research project. However, when I got back home, there was a cake on the table which was surprising considering my birthday was not till the next day. It’s not much but I really appreciate the gesture and the thought. Oh, and not to mention, the effort since my mom seldom cooks.

– My birthday cake


– With my wonderful parents (No words can describe how great they are)


– And again


– Blowing out my candle


Anyway, on the day of my birthday, my phone kept on vibrating every now and then with messages and wall posts from my friends, relatives, etc. It was nice and of course the feeling is just lovely. It’s that one time of the year where my wall gets flooded with wall posts of birthday greetings where even people I am not acquainted with or do not know greets me. Moreover, I had a great day since one of my classes was cancelled so I was able to enjoy lunch at this Chinese restaurant near uni with two of my lovely friends: Ermelinda and Chebi, not to mention, they treated me for lunch when it was supposed to be the other way around but since they beat me to the cash register, there was nothing I could do and they wouldn’t tell me how much it was. We went to this newly opened restaurant, known for its sweet delicacies and we got to try their “toast” topped with ice-cream. YUM! We were almost late by the time we got back to school, only because “KAFKA” opens at 1:30 in the afternoon and my mouth was itching to try those desserts. Being late isn’t really much of a big deal though especially when the professor takes the attendance after the class. Haha!





– Ermelinda and Chebi


– My friend drew this for me 🙂


– Caramel Macchiato


– Toast topped with ice-cream



My baby’s 21st

My baby’s birthday was on a Friday, but since I was not able to go and celebrate with him, we decided to meet up on Saturday for lunch. Moreover, I was broke so I was not able to get him a cake. I got him a present though, something I thought he’d always wanted. Anywho, we had lunch together at the “Pokka Cafe” and had a good meal. After lunch, we went to “The Venetian” and since I was having a hard time walking with my wedges, I asked Carlos if we could go sit at Starbucks for a while and he agreed. We sat there for a while and I had a good time sipping on caramel macchiato and eating a custard doughnut. I bought my baby a slice of cake since I couldn’t afford to get him a whole cake. I was also super excited to give him his present and that’s when I gave it to him, it was poorly wrapped but I have my reasons. After a while, we walked around the shops at “the Venetian” and I saw these skinny jeans or trousers in almost every colour and I wanted to get all of them. Unfortunately, I had no dough left after buying my baby his present. Haha! However, he was soooo nice as to get me the red pair since he really saw how much I wanted it. I love love love him. It’s like he got me a present on his birthday which is super sweet of him. I had such a lovely weekend. 🙂



-Japanese Curry Omelette


-Spaghetti Bolognaise20120319-105952.jpg

-Thailand mixed satay BBQ20120319-110012.jpg

-Custard Doughnut and New York Cheese cake20120319-110040.jpg

-My baby :))20120319-110206.jpg

-In the fitting room trying on the blue skinny jeans 🙂 I got the red one though 😛20120319-110147.jpg

A little “gathering” with high school friends.

It’s been two years since I left my high school, SRL and since not everyone are the same and we all have different choices, dreams and goals, each of us have taken our own paths to what we think would be best for us.  We had a little gathering and it’s just nice to see friends from secondary and catching up with what they’ve been doing or what they’ve been up to.  Not everyone live in Macau, now that everyone’s in college.  A lot of people have gone abroad to study and summer is pretty much the only time we can spend time laughing and being insane together.  I’m so glad they have not changed one bit and I’ve really missed them.  We had lunch together at a Chinese restaurant and had Chinese cuisine which I love so much because their food is delicious and I don’t often get to go to those kinds of restaurants since I do not come from a Chinese family.  In addition, this restaurants usually serve tea every meal time which is why they call it “yum chaa” that literally means “drink tea”.  I had a great time with my friends and I was satisfied with the food.

18 candles, 18 roses and 18 treasures – Mara turns eighteen.

Mara Janella celebrated her debut  (eighteenth birthday) at Hotel Royal on the 2nd of July.  I attended the debut with my mom and brother since we were one of her 18 candles and roses.

A debut literally means “the public appearance of something/someone for the first time”, which in this case is the introduction of a young woman into society.  She gets to choose 18 people for her candles, roses and treasures each.  It is a tradition in the Philippines that not everyone follow, because not all women go through the trouble of having one.  It really depends on what people really want because having a debut does not make one a better person and it wouldn’t really affect a woman’s growth or maturity for that matter.  I’ve been to a lot of debuts, but didn’t have one myself since my parents think that being simple won’t do us any harm and they’re right.  Anyway, the debuts I’ve been to are all unique in their own ways and each debut would usually have their own themes.  I couldn’t guess what her theme was but that’s because I didn’t really pay much attention to it.  The decorations were however, pretty and there were a lot of guests, of course.  The food was just fine.  The programs were quite entertaining and I especially loved the part where a kid was playing her ukulele and singing.  Being part of the 18 candles mean that girls have to prepare a speech or wish and let the debutante blow the candle after it’s been said.  It’s the same with the 18 treasures.  The only thing that differs is with the 18 roses where they are all guys.  It’s easier for them since they do not have to make a speech.  They just have to approach the debutante when the emcee has called their names and give her a rose and dance and it goes on for a while.  In other cotillions, debutantes are allowed to choose whether they would like to have a cotillion dance or not.  It is actually fun to go to debuts because one can dress up in a semi-formal or formal way which rarely happens.

mommy and ginny

Finally, I can legally drive! ♥

After two months of learning how to drive a manual, it finally paid off.  Today is the day I got my driver’s license 🙂 and I’m so ecstatic 🙂 I can’t wait to get a car… lol It might take a long time for me to get a car though… hahaha I’m thankful to everyone who believed that I could do it. 😀 Thank God, thank my instructor, my family, boyfriend and friends 🙂 I couldn’t have done it without their support 🙂

just d-d-d-dance! :)

Yesterday was LADIES’ NIGHT at Bellini and I went with two of my girlfriends Cali and Ana a.k.a. Banana:) Our other friend Mcee couldn’t come so it was just the three of us.  Had a couple of drinks and the next thing we knew we were on the dance floor just having the time of our lives:P yepp… was a bit tipsy already, but I could still think straight.  After a few hours, we went to Cubic and had tequilla shots:)  Anywho, I got home at my bf’s curfew though not on time and yea…  I had an awesome night though I missed out on a lot of stuff X(


Today, I hung out with my friends whom I have not seen for a really long time.  It was a day of randomness starting from the time we met up to the things we talked about and stuff like that.  Missed them and I enjoyed their company:)

summer, oh you’re here? :D


This was the day of my last exam and officially the end of sophomore year:)  I had fun:) can’t wait for junior year… NOT! 😛


So, my friend organized this bbq/swimming thing, but we didn’t know whether it would still be on since the weather was not really co-operating (it was cloudy and well, it rained). However, my friend decided to do the bbq thing at her place and it’s a good thing there’s a pool in the building where she lives:)  Carlos and I were late so we only got to swim for a while because the thing closes at 7… it closes pretty early.  It’d be enjoyable we could swim all night… Anywho, we headed up to my friend, Ana’s place:) I had sooo much fun playing kinect, blackjack and I especially loved the BBQ her mom cooked for us, not to mention the PANSIT PALABOK (which is a filipino dish with eggs and lemon) yea, I do not really know how to explain.  We played blackjack and loser gets a shot of vodka… I was losing at first but then it turned out alright when they decided to play with money (1 pataca for each round) and I won twice:) hahaha luckyyy! 😀 I was a bit tipsy but I was fine.  I went home with my amiga, Cali and my novio Carlos:)  It was a fun night:)

maxi dress:)


I went out with mommy today:)  I was really feeling bad about the news my friend told me, but I figured I can’t change anything by feeling bad so I went out with mi madre:)  I had an awesome time with her, though I was kind of pissed because we kept on stopping to take photos (photos of her that is XP).  Anywho, we went to Venetian and ate at the food court:) plus, I purchased some new stuff:P  I bought two tank tops and a necklace:) yaaay! and thankyou mommy:)  She brought me to work:)  Had late dinner with mi novio:)