December 8. ♥

My baby's cappuccino!

My baby’s cappuccino!

Mango cake! Yum!

Mango cake! Yum!

Caramel macchiato!

Caramel macchiato!

It was finally the weekend once again and as usual, I went out with Carlos where we celebrated our monthsary. Haha! We walked around Macau and the tiny little shops. I couldn’t really walk properly though because I had a hard time walking in my boots. I began to think that it was a bad idea for me to have bought those, but I couldn’t help it! They were really cute when I saw them in the UK. Haha Anyway, we went to this place called “Akasaka Cafe” and from the sound of that, we thought they served Japanese dishes like sushi and stuff, but we were wrong. They did have some ramen, Japanese rice, tempura, etc. though, but aside from those, they also had macaroons! Yes, macaroons, just like those of Paris! Of course they can’t be compared to Lauduree’s, but anyway, we decided to just have coffee and a piece of cake since I didn’t really feel like eating rice or noodles.

On a side note, it wasn’t really that cold on that day so I just put on a shirt and cardigan, jeans, booties and I was off to go! Below are the photos of what I wore but since we didn’t have the SLR on that day, we just used my baby’s phone…

My outfit on that day!

My outfit on that day!


The boots that gave me a hard time in walking...

The boots that gave me a hard time in walking…

What I wore: | Top: Marks & Spencer | Cardigan: Marks & Spencer | Booties: New Look | Red Skinny Jeans: Stradivarius | Bag: Nessa

25 months and counting. ♥

I would just like to post some random stuff about me and my boyfriend.  It’s our 25th month and this is the first time for us to be apart on our monthsary.  I miss him so much, but we’re learning to be apart from each other but as the saying goes “distance makes the heart grow fonder” which is so true.  I can’t wait to be reunited with my baby!!

Nikon Boy and Canon Girl. ♥

Weekends are my favorite days of the week since that’s the only time I actually get to spend time with my boyfriend.  We went on our typical Saturday date where we had lunch at Galaxy Macau and ordered our favorite food fromPepper Lunch.  If you haven’t tried “Pepper lunch”, I highly recommend you do it’s just delish!  Anyway, I didn’t get to take pictures of our food because we had to rush since we bought tickets to watch Prometheus.  After having lunch, I had to rush to get some snacks for the movie wherein I got the jumbo classic fries from NYF.  Talk about pigging out.

I do not have much to say about the movie as I have no idea whether I liked it or not or I might have found it simply revolting.  First off, I’m not really a huge fan of science-fiction films, though the thriller part was awesome.  Overall, it wasn’t that bad though I wouldn’t watch it a second time.

Mine and His. (Camera love♥)

After the movie ended, we went to The Venetian which is just beside Galaxy.  However, we were too lazy to walk there so we took the shuttle bus and yes we’re proud to say that we can be that lazy!  When we got there, I thought my bf would teach me how to use my camera, as in really teach me.  Little did I know that he would just tell me what those buttons were used for and that I had to try and capture shots on my own.  He told me that capturing shots are like a “trial and error” thing, therefore I’d need to capture shots again and again at times.  He also said that if I get used to using the manual settings, I’d eventually know what to do.  He brought his own camera, too and started clicking the shutter and it made me feel like we were on a different kind of date.  A “snapshot” date, that is.  Hence, the title.

My baby showing me his shot.

At The Venetian, Macao.


The Venetian.

COD, Sands Cotai Central and The Venetian.

The photos above were taken manually and I had to capture these photos quite a few times till they looked fine to me.  I still have no idea how the settings work, but hopefully I’ll be able to do better next time.






Post Anniversary Celebration ☺♥

My boyfriend, Carlos and I celebrated our anniversary the day after the actual date since he had work and I just had stuff to do.  Anyway, we met up later than the time we decided to and had lunch at Hard Rock Cafe.  I totally enjoyed the food but I was too full to finish most of them even though we shared.  That was one heck of an experience and was too bloated to even have dinner at night.  I’m not exaggerating, it’s true.  Anyway, we walked around the Venetian afterwards and he took me to the “Sands Cotai Central” and I found it really nice since it was my first time to set foot on that place since it opened.  I had a good time.  We spent the whole day together just wandering around until I had to go to work.  Bummer.  But oh well, I had a great day and even after he picked me up from work, he went to our house to watch movies and stuff like that.  I can’t think of anyone else I’d want to be with after everything we’ve been through.

What we had for lunch: Grilled Chicken Masala, Red White & Blue Burger, Tupelo Chicken Tenders and (I forgot the name of the drink)

With my baby. (Too bad it’s blurry though :P)

And again.

At Conrad.

In front of The Venetian Macao.

The view from Venetian, taken by Carlos.

Let’s go on a date, shall we?

It’s been a while since my boyfriend and I hung out due to the fact that we’ve both been pretty tied up what with his intern still going on and me having to deal with my finals and school work in the last couple of months.  Anyway, I can just say that I’ve missed him a lot so we both decided to go on a “date”, not a formal one, that is.  It’s just one of those dates where we eat, and maybe watch a movie, then walk around which in my opinion is pretty special already.  What matters is that we enjoy ourselves which I can say we did cause we went to the “Galaxy Macau food court” and watched Men In Black 3 at the UA Cinema.  The movie was awesome by the way and I highly recommend it.  We walked around for a while after the movie ended until I had to go to work.  We didn’t get to do much, but still, I enjoyed myself a lot with my baby.

I’ve so much to thank for♥ (Part 2)

This is a continuation of my previous post. Hence, the title. My sister is on the other side of the world and it’s been years since we last saw each other, but thanks to technology, it’s not hard to reach her. Anyway, she sent me a recording of her voice wishing me a happy birthday and I couldn’t stop laughing cause she was making this funny voice. Moreover, she sent me a picture of her. Aww, so sweet.


For dinner, my mom, boyfriend and I had dinner at the Pokka Cafe, same place where my bf had his birthday. The food is just to die for, which is why we keep coming back. It was just the three of us since my dad had to work that night and my brother had school the next day. We had a lot to eat, as usual and the moment I got there, I was oh so hungry and I couldn’t wait. I had such a lovely birthday and it’s actually the third year I’m celebrating it with Carlos. Aaah! Time really flies!

P.S.  The light was too bright and I didn’t bring a camera so the photos were taken from my phone.

– Food!!!!


–  With my Baby Fatsooo 


– With mommy!!


– My fatsoo and moi


– Banana split for dessert


Smile for the camera! ♥

Carlos and I usually hang out on weekends, mostly Saturdays as I’ve said in my previous posts. And yesterday we had lunch and after that, we went around Macau looking for shoes. Haha! I’ve been looking for shoes I saw on Pinterest for a long time, and unfortunately still haven’t found it. Arrrgh!!! We walked around where there were lots of shoe shops and clothing stores all day and I was in pain since I wore my wedges again which is why Carlos and I decided to sit and relax for a while and take pictures since he had his camera with him. The place was nice and the weather was cool. Moreover, I loved the pictures we took.






My baby’s 21st

My baby’s birthday was on a Friday, but since I was not able to go and celebrate with him, we decided to meet up on Saturday for lunch. Moreover, I was broke so I was not able to get him a cake. I got him a present though, something I thought he’d always wanted. Anywho, we had lunch together at the “Pokka Cafe” and had a good meal. After lunch, we went to “The Venetian” and since I was having a hard time walking with my wedges, I asked Carlos if we could go sit at Starbucks for a while and he agreed. We sat there for a while and I had a good time sipping on caramel macchiato and eating a custard doughnut. I bought my baby a slice of cake since I couldn’t afford to get him a whole cake. I was also super excited to give him his present and that’s when I gave it to him, it was poorly wrapped but I have my reasons. After a while, we walked around the shops at “the Venetian” and I saw these skinny jeans or trousers in almost every colour and I wanted to get all of them. Unfortunately, I had no dough left after buying my baby his present. Haha! However, he was soooo nice as to get me the red pair since he really saw how much I wanted it. I love love love him. It’s like he got me a present on his birthday which is super sweet of him. I had such a lovely weekend. 🙂



-Japanese Curry Omelette


-Spaghetti Bolognaise20120319-105952.jpg

-Thailand mixed satay BBQ20120319-110012.jpg

-Custard Doughnut and New York Cheese cake20120319-110040.jpg

-My baby :))20120319-110206.jpg

-In the fitting room trying on the blue skinny jeans 🙂 I got the red one though 😛20120319-110147.jpg

Shopping in Hong Kong with My Baby ♥.

Hong Kong is just an hour away by ferry from Macau and mi novio and I have been planning to go there for as long as I can remember, but couldn’t because of school or other reasons. We got the chance to go during our Chinese New Year holidays and he was able cheap tickets because he’s currently working at The Venetian as an intern. We got up really early, but we were almost late because the harbour where we had to take the ferry was in Taipa (a bridge away from Macau). Anywho, we rode the taxi when we got to Taipa and got there just in time. Phew! For a minute there, I thought we’d have to purchase tickets again. I was lacking sleep so the moment we got to our seats, I fell asleep right away and I think he did the same and we woke up to the sound of the lady announcing that we were already there.

We had breakfast at Jollibee, a fast food restaurant that’s similar to Mcdonald’s and then we headed to Causeway Bay. We weren’t able to take much pictures, but we managed to take some as we were in a hurry to go where we planned, like Mong Kok and so on, so forth. Shopping in Hong Kong is just well so much better than shopping in Macau because almost everthing could be found there and most things could be bought at a cheaper price too. So much for that, we’re planning to go back soon. ♥







Cheers to the Weekend!

Weekends! Oh, how I love weekends! This is because weekends are the only time now where I get to spend time with my boyfriend ever since he started his internship. I love spending time with him and the fact that we only get to see each other at the end of the week makes me want to hang out with him more than usual. First off, we love eating and that’s something we have in common and there was this place I’ve been wanting to go to for ages but never really got the chance to do so. Saturday seemed like the perfect day to go there and try out their burgers. The fast food restaurant is called “Brick’s Burger” and apparently, they’re the only one who serves good burgers here! Haha! It’s affordable and it can definitely satisfy anyone who eats them! I would definitely recommend it to anyone who comes to Macau. I spent the whole day hanging around with my baby until he had to leave for dinner at his aunt’s place. I had fun even though the day went by so quickly.







