December 8. ♥

My baby's cappuccino!

My baby’s cappuccino!

Mango cake! Yum!

Mango cake! Yum!

Caramel macchiato!

Caramel macchiato!

It was finally the weekend once again and as usual, I went out with Carlos where we celebrated our monthsary. Haha! We walked around Macau and the tiny little shops. I couldn’t really walk properly though because I had a hard time walking in my boots. I began to think that it was a bad idea for me to have bought those, but I couldn’t help it! They were really cute when I saw them in the UK. Haha Anyway, we went to this place called “Akasaka Cafe” and from the sound of that, we thought they served Japanese dishes like sushi and stuff, but we were wrong. They did have some ramen, Japanese rice, tempura, etc. though, but aside from those, they also had macaroons! Yes, macaroons, just like those of Paris! Of course they can’t be compared to Lauduree’s, but anyway, we decided to just have coffee and a piece of cake since I didn’t really feel like eating rice or noodles.

On a side note, it wasn’t really that cold on that day so I just put on a shirt and cardigan, jeans, booties and I was off to go! Below are the photos of what I wore but since we didn’t have the SLR on that day, we just used my baby’s phone…

My outfit on that day!

My outfit on that day!


The boots that gave me a hard time in walking...

The boots that gave me a hard time in walking…

What I wore: | Top: Marks & Spencer | Cardigan: Marks & Spencer | Booties: New Look | Red Skinny Jeans: Stradivarius | Bag: Nessa

I’ve so much to thank for♥

Twenty one years ago, I was brought into this world by my loving mom whom I am really thankful for. I thank God for the wonderful life He has given me, my parents,siblings, friends. etc. I can’t ask for anything else especially because of the fact that I feel so loved. The day before my birthday, I was busy after school because my friend and I had to interview senior high school students for our research project. However, when I got back home, there was a cake on the table which was surprising considering my birthday was not till the next day. It’s not much but I really appreciate the gesture and the thought. Oh, and not to mention, the effort since my mom seldom cooks.

– My birthday cake


– With my wonderful parents (No words can describe how great they are)


– And again


– Blowing out my candle


Anyway, on the day of my birthday, my phone kept on vibrating every now and then with messages and wall posts from my friends, relatives, etc. It was nice and of course the feeling is just lovely. It’s that one time of the year where my wall gets flooded with wall posts of birthday greetings where even people I am not acquainted with or do not know greets me. Moreover, I had a great day since one of my classes was cancelled so I was able to enjoy lunch at this Chinese restaurant near uni with two of my lovely friends: Ermelinda and Chebi, not to mention, they treated me for lunch when it was supposed to be the other way around but since they beat me to the cash register, there was nothing I could do and they wouldn’t tell me how much it was. We went to this newly opened restaurant, known for its sweet delicacies and we got to try their “toast” topped with ice-cream. YUM! We were almost late by the time we got back to school, only because “KAFKA” opens at 1:30 in the afternoon and my mouth was itching to try those desserts. Being late isn’t really much of a big deal though especially when the professor takes the attendance after the class. Haha!





– Ermelinda and Chebi


– My friend drew this for me 🙂


– Caramel Macchiato


– Toast topped with ice-cream
