Beautiful York.

Meet my brother! 🙂 Oh no you’ve met him already! 😛

Moi! 🙂

My mom and relatives! 😀

Little brother’s all grown up! 🙂

Our view from the restaurant/cafe.

Muy bonita! 😉

Enjoyed myself here. Lots of History!

So here’s a little bit about the city of York.  I didn’t know what to expect at first but I heard that this city is quite popular among tourists.  I thought it was a little similar to Monmartre in Paris since there were a lot of local artists and you could even get your portrait drawn there.  I wish we had more time to explore the city because there was just so much to see and everything was just awesome so, go figure.  I would love to come back here again someday, hopefully with my family and my love, Carlos! 🙂  By the way, when we went to York, the weather was really “co-operated” and I’m just really thankful for God made it possible for us to visit this wonderful city.

I have a lot more pictures that I took, but I’d probably only be able to upload it in my next posts, so stay tuned for more!

Inside the museum! 🙂

He got sentenced to jail! 😛
Good luck getting out of there! haha

What? You gonna shoot me?

Looks like mommy’s enjoying herself being in the guillotine.

All about Fashion.

Carousel! Magical!

York Minster! 🙂







Next Stop: Meadowhall! Reunited with mom and bro!


Tita and Mommy. 🙂

Loved the ambience there.

Yummmm!!! 🙂

Aaaah Food!

And of course, my brother’s dish has got to be the biggest one among the three.

I woke up pretty early thanks to my aunt who was so excited about my mom and brother’s arrival.  She had the day planned out for us where she took us to Meadowhall to shop our asses off.  However, before any of that happened , I first took a shower the moment I got up and got dressed.  After that, I was very excited and at the same time experiencing mixed emotions because my mom and brother were going to be here anytime and when I saw the car of uncle Dave approaching through the window upstairs, I just knew I had to hide somewhere because I wanted to pull a prank on them.  I had my aunt cover for me but it was an epic fail because they found me anyway.  Both my mom and brother wanted to sleep since they just came from the airport and a 14 hour flight.  Of course, I knew how they were feeling but we couldn’t just put this day to waste which is why we went to Meadowhall, the biggest shopping mall I’ve ever been in (I should say even bigger than the Mall of Asia in the Philippines) but then again, that’s just me.  Anyway, Uncle Dave dropped us off there before going to work and the first thing we looked for was a place to eat.  There were lots of restaurants, so many choices but we decided to eat at this place where we were able to get unlimited salad and drinks.  The food was okay though I must say, the portions were quite smaller from what I was expecting.  I saw a lot of shops I wanted to go into and just grab everything I saw but it was my mom’s time to do some shopping so I got accessories instead and a pack of cards from Urban Outfitters.  Hell yea!  Oh and by the way, this mall is where I’ve seen the biggest Marks and Spencer store ever!  It was just huge and it was difficult to choose and actually buy stuff because everything was just so pretty.  In the end, I wasn’t able to get anything though because my mom saw my luggage when she arrived and she didn’t want me to keep buying more stuff.  After walking around, my aunt and mother decided that they wanted to go home but before doing so, we stopped for Krispy Kreme doughnuts!  Yummmm!!  My favorite doughnut shop.  We all took the bus home instead of the train because they wanted to experience how it’s like to be in a bus in the UK. Haha.

Meet my brother 🙂

Mommy and Tita Rose.

My brother, le model.

Pretending to be a model. haha

Inside the bus.

View from inside the bus.

Yay!! Fish and chips from their shop!! YUMMMM!!!

All mine!! haha

We had dinner at home where Uncle Dave brought Fish and Chips from their shop after work and I ate most of them.  I really can’t blame myself.  They just taste so delish!!!  I can really live here.

An adventure awaits me.

I was given the opportunity to go abroad and study there for a month.  However, I had a super fun night with my boyfriend and little brother before I left.  We went to the Hong Kong international airport the day before I left and my parents came like at dawn.  Anyway, we traveled by train going to the airport and stayed there doing nothing.  Not really, but we stayed up for the whole night and I was so exhausted before I left.  It was a memorable night and I appreciate the fact that both my family and boyfriend came to stay with me.  I super duper love them and I especially love my boyfriend who stayed in Hong Kong just to see me off.

About my flight, I had to sit on the plane for three hours to Beijing and then eleven hours to Paris.  It was such an exhausting time for me, not to mention I had to carry my own luggage.  Regrets regrets, but I have learnt my lesson and next time I’ll never bring most of my clothes and other unnecessary stuff.  Moreover, I’ll never ever travel alone especially when the duration of my flight is like more than 10 hours.  It gets really boring.

Anyway, it was quite an experience though since it was my first time, as in literally my first time to travel alone without my parents.  I mean I have traveled without my parents before, but I was with friends then but that’s a different story.’


I’ve so much to thank for♥ (Part 2)

This is a continuation of my previous post. Hence, the title. My sister is on the other side of the world and it’s been years since we last saw each other, but thanks to technology, it’s not hard to reach her. Anyway, she sent me a recording of her voice wishing me a happy birthday and I couldn’t stop laughing cause she was making this funny voice. Moreover, she sent me a picture of her. Aww, so sweet.


For dinner, my mom, boyfriend and I had dinner at the Pokka Cafe, same place where my bf had his birthday. The food is just to die for, which is why we keep coming back. It was just the three of us since my dad had to work that night and my brother had school the next day. We had a lot to eat, as usual and the moment I got there, I was oh so hungry and I couldn’t wait. I had such a lovely birthday and it’s actually the third year I’m celebrating it with Carlos. Aaah! Time really flies!

P.S.  The light was too bright and I didn’t bring a camera so the photos were taken from my phone.

– Food!!!!


–  With my Baby Fatsooo 


– With mommy!!


– My fatsoo and moi


– Banana split for dessert


Happy Lunar New Year everyone! 

It was the first day of the Lunar New Year celebration and my mom and I decided to go to The Venetian to eat and simply just have fun! I decided to ask my boyfriend to come as well since he was on holiday too! We had sooo much to eat for three people! HAHA! It was all good though cause we were starving anyway. And Macau’s weather is just perfect for pigging out  since it’s freezing! We also went to the casino to gamble a little. Mommy stayed at the casino for a little bit longer while Carlos and I walked around the shops. I wanted to buy a lot of stuff but we didn’t have much time left since Mommy finished playing. Carlos and I walked around some more after we got back from The Venetian but decided to go back home because none of the shops were open. See, this is the downside of Lunar New Year, I mean I love the occasion and everything but it’s pretty boring if you go out on those days. The Venetian is where a lot of people go to so it’s open 24/7. That’s why we went home and we decided to watch movies and eat again afterwards! Well, that wraps up our day! Happy Chinese New Year everyone! 恭喜發財! 








Harry Potter for the second time :)

My mom and brother had been telling me about how much they wanted to watch the last of Harry Potter, so I told them that we should watch it together since once was not enough for me because I fancy the actors/actresses in the movie.  Anywho, the four of us: mom, brother, my bf and I went to the Macau Tower hoping we could eat at “The Singing Bean” restaurant before we watch the movie at 7.15 p.m., but unfortunately, the restaurant was not really having their normal routine.  They were having a buffet on that night which is such a pity because I really wanted to eat there as I’ve been craving for their pizza, pasta and most especially, their crepes.  However, since the restaurant was unavailable at that time, we decided to eat at the basement which offered varieties of food.  They were only okay.  I wouldn’t say I’d be back for their food and craving for them.  Not only were they expensive, they served a little portion too.  Anyway, enough about food.  I enjoyed watching with my mom, brother and boyfriend cause I rarely watch movies and they all had different reactions during the movie.  After the movie, we went to eat at a Thailand restaurant near our home and I have to say, I was really satisfied because it left me craving for more of the dishes they served.   We chilled at my crib after eating.  I had a fun day.