December 8. ♥

My baby's cappuccino!

My baby’s cappuccino!

Mango cake! Yum!

Mango cake! Yum!

Caramel macchiato!

Caramel macchiato!

It was finally the weekend once again and as usual, I went out with Carlos where we celebrated our monthsary. Haha! We walked around Macau and the tiny little shops. I couldn’t really walk properly though because I had a hard time walking in my boots. I began to think that it was a bad idea for me to have bought those, but I couldn’t help it! They were really cute when I saw them in the UK. Haha Anyway, we went to this place called “Akasaka Cafe” and from the sound of that, we thought they served Japanese dishes like sushi and stuff, but we were wrong. They did have some ramen, Japanese rice, tempura, etc. though, but aside from those, they also had macaroons! Yes, macaroons, just like those of Paris! Of course they can’t be compared to Lauduree’s, but anyway, we decided to just have coffee and a piece of cake since I didn’t really feel like eating rice or noodles.

On a side note, it wasn’t really that cold on that day so I just put on a shirt and cardigan, jeans, booties and I was off to go! Below are the photos of what I wore but since we didn’t have the SLR on that day, we just used my baby’s phone…

My outfit on that day!

My outfit on that day!


The boots that gave me a hard time in walking...

The boots that gave me a hard time in walking…

What I wore: | Top: Marks & Spencer | Cardigan: Marks & Spencer | Booties: New Look | Red Skinny Jeans: Stradivarius | Bag: Nessa

Exploring Macau.

Awesome stuff right there!

Awesome stuff right there!

Hiii! What’s up?  My friend and I met up right after my exam to hang out and explore Macau.  It’s funny when I put it that way because I’ve been living here all my life and there are still a lot of places I’ve never really been to or maybe I have but never really paid much attention.  Anyway, we went to this art exhibition near my place and I was surprised as to how much awesome stuff they have there.  I mean there were different kinds of art by locals and it was jaw-dropping since it was our first time to go to that place.  We felt like tourists. lol.  Talk about being a stranger in our own hometown.  Went around for hours and other nearby places to take pictures since I had brought my camera.  I had an awesome time with Jessmym because it’s not everyday that we get to hang out since I’m really busy with school work and stuff, but we’ll see what happens in the coming holiday.  The photos below are just random stuff but hope you like them.

The entrance to something :P

The entrance to something 😛





Meet my childhood friend! :)

Meet my childhood friend! 🙂

Adventures in Hong Kong.

These past few months, I’ve been going to Hong Kong more and more as it is just an hour away by ferry from where we live.  It’s such a nice place with friendly people and just a fun place to shop.

Yesterday, I went to Hong Kong with my baby, my mom and brother who tagged along for a reason.  My baby and I wanted to spend time with each other alone but since we had to get our passports back, we didn’t have a choice to let my family come.  The day didn’t turn out the way we expected it to as my mom kept nagging us to hurry up with everything.  Plus, we kept eating which is why the only time my baby and I got was when they left us in Hong Kong which was only for a few hours since I still had packing to do and stuff.

I was exhausted though and my feet ached like hell.  I didn’t get to buy much because I didn’t really wanna spend since I felt bad for spending a lot of my folks’ cash already.

It was such an exhausting day for everyone and I really wished the day turned out differently.

Good weather!

Baby! On the ferry to Hong Kong!


coffee for two, please!

Next up, Lunch! 😀


What I had!



Nikon Boy and Canon Girl. ♥

Weekends are my favorite days of the week since that’s the only time I actually get to spend time with my boyfriend.  We went on our typical Saturday date where we had lunch at Galaxy Macau and ordered our favorite food fromPepper Lunch.  If you haven’t tried “Pepper lunch”, I highly recommend you do it’s just delish!  Anyway, I didn’t get to take pictures of our food because we had to rush since we bought tickets to watch Prometheus.  After having lunch, I had to rush to get some snacks for the movie wherein I got the jumbo classic fries from NYF.  Talk about pigging out.

I do not have much to say about the movie as I have no idea whether I liked it or not or I might have found it simply revolting.  First off, I’m not really a huge fan of science-fiction films, though the thriller part was awesome.  Overall, it wasn’t that bad though I wouldn’t watch it a second time.

Mine and His. (Camera love♥)

After the movie ended, we went to The Venetian which is just beside Galaxy.  However, we were too lazy to walk there so we took the shuttle bus and yes we’re proud to say that we can be that lazy!  When we got there, I thought my bf would teach me how to use my camera, as in really teach me.  Little did I know that he would just tell me what those buttons were used for and that I had to try and capture shots on my own.  He told me that capturing shots are like a “trial and error” thing, therefore I’d need to capture shots again and again at times.  He also said that if I get used to using the manual settings, I’d eventually know what to do.  He brought his own camera, too and started clicking the shutter and it made me feel like we were on a different kind of date.  A “snapshot” date, that is.  Hence, the title.

My baby showing me his shot.

At The Venetian, Macao.


The Venetian.

COD, Sands Cotai Central and The Venetian.

The photos above were taken manually and I had to capture these photos quite a few times till they looked fine to me.  I still have no idea how the settings work, but hopefully I’ll be able to do better next time.






Entering the world of photography. ☺

I’ve been wanting my own DSLR ever since photography became a trend, and my boyfriend got his.  Anyway, I’ve always been fascinated by how photographers are able to capture such wonderful shots.  I mean it takes skill and talent and since I got my DSLR, I’m wondering whether I’d be able to learn to do the same.  I know it’d take time but till then, I shall be patient.  Lucky for me, I have my boyfie to teach me the basics. ☺

Canon DSLR, 600D.

Post Anniversary Celebration ☺♥

My boyfriend, Carlos and I celebrated our anniversary the day after the actual date since he had work and I just had stuff to do.  Anyway, we met up later than the time we decided to and had lunch at Hard Rock Cafe.  I totally enjoyed the food but I was too full to finish most of them even though we shared.  That was one heck of an experience and was too bloated to even have dinner at night.  I’m not exaggerating, it’s true.  Anyway, we walked around the Venetian afterwards and he took me to the “Sands Cotai Central” and I found it really nice since it was my first time to set foot on that place since it opened.  I had a good time.  We spent the whole day together just wandering around until I had to go to work.  Bummer.  But oh well, I had a great day and even after he picked me up from work, he went to our house to watch movies and stuff like that.  I can’t think of anyone else I’d want to be with after everything we’ve been through.

What we had for lunch: Grilled Chicken Masala, Red White & Blue Burger, Tupelo Chicken Tenders and (I forgot the name of the drink)

With my baby. (Too bad it’s blurry though :P)

And again.

At Conrad.

In front of The Venetian Macao.

The view from Venetian, taken by Carlos.

Summer Wishlist ☼

Summer is officially here and recently I’ve been wanting to do a lot of shopping.  However, due to the fact that I’ve already been spending too much on other stuff, it’s just not possible to shop every time I go out, so I’ve to withhold myself from buying unnecessary stuff.  Anyway, I enjoy window shopping and looking at clothes online.  I have no intention of buying more clothes or shoes since I realized I have too many new clothes which I bought on impulse during my trips to Hong Kong, but I feel like I can’t help the fact that I just want to acquire what I see online or in shops.  The photos below are just some of the things I’d like to acquire.

I’ve been obsessing over oxfords or whatever they’re called and pretty floral and striped tops and I really wish I could have them as soon as possible before I leave for my trip. is a lovely local shop and I wish I could just grab everything.  ♥



Let’s go on a date, shall we?

It’s been a while since my boyfriend and I hung out due to the fact that we’ve both been pretty tied up what with his intern still going on and me having to deal with my finals and school work in the last couple of months.  Anyway, I can just say that I’ve missed him a lot so we both decided to go on a “date”, not a formal one, that is.  It’s just one of those dates where we eat, and maybe watch a movie, then walk around which in my opinion is pretty special already.  What matters is that we enjoy ourselves which I can say we did cause we went to the “Galaxy Macau food court” and watched Men In Black 3 at the UA Cinema.  The movie was awesome by the way and I highly recommend it.  We walked around for a while after the movie ended until I had to go to work.  We didn’t get to do much, but still, I enjoyed myself a lot with my baby.

The Story of the Adventurer ♥

These couple of months, I’ve been wanting to change my blog name and I’ve decided to change it to “mrsadventurer” due to the fact I love going on adventures and going to different places.  In fact, the first time I’ve ever been on a plane was when I was only four years old with my mom and we were headed to Hong Kong that time.  I know very little of that experience as I was just a clingy little girl.  All I can remember after that is we went to where we’re currently living right now which is Macau, a little peninsula located near Hong Kong.  Anyway, enough about that.  What I’d really like to talk about is how I came up with the name “adventurer”.  At an early age, I’ve gone on an adventure already which led us to where we are now, not that I knew what was happening then.  But still, now that I think about it, I feel as if being an adventurer is in my blood.  After all, we are a family of “adventure lovers” and since I’m one of them, “Adventure is my passion”.  Hence, the name “adventurer” is derived from the word “adventure”.  It’s not like we travel to different parts of the world all the time.  I’m talking about summer holidays where it’s that time of the year my family and I go to places.  And by places, I mean “The Philippines” (where we’re originally from), Hong Kong (which is just an hour away by ferry from where we live) or sometimes anywhere the current takes us.

1. With my mom and my sister in the Philippines.

2. In Macau where I grew up and spent most of my life in this school. ♥

3. In The U.S. with my family. ♥

4. Night Market in Taiwan. (During our graduation trip)

5. Our trip to Singapore last summer. 

I always believe that anyone can go on an adventure anytime and anywhere as long as you’re still breathing by simply doing something you love or just getting sunk into books, but even better if you get the chance to travel around.

The pictures above consist of some photos taken in the past while others are very recent.

P.S. The purpose of this blog is to share about my experiences in life, not for bragging.

I’ve so much to thank for♥

Twenty one years ago, I was brought into this world by my loving mom whom I am really thankful for. I thank God for the wonderful life He has given me, my parents,siblings, friends. etc. I can’t ask for anything else especially because of the fact that I feel so loved. The day before my birthday, I was busy after school because my friend and I had to interview senior high school students for our research project. However, when I got back home, there was a cake on the table which was surprising considering my birthday was not till the next day. It’s not much but I really appreciate the gesture and the thought. Oh, and not to mention, the effort since my mom seldom cooks.

– My birthday cake


– With my wonderful parents (No words can describe how great they are)


– And again


– Blowing out my candle


Anyway, on the day of my birthday, my phone kept on vibrating every now and then with messages and wall posts from my friends, relatives, etc. It was nice and of course the feeling is just lovely. It’s that one time of the year where my wall gets flooded with wall posts of birthday greetings where even people I am not acquainted with or do not know greets me. Moreover, I had a great day since one of my classes was cancelled so I was able to enjoy lunch at this Chinese restaurant near uni with two of my lovely friends: Ermelinda and Chebi, not to mention, they treated me for lunch when it was supposed to be the other way around but since they beat me to the cash register, there was nothing I could do and they wouldn’t tell me how much it was. We went to this newly opened restaurant, known for its sweet delicacies and we got to try their “toast” topped with ice-cream. YUM! We were almost late by the time we got back to school, only because “KAFKA” opens at 1:30 in the afternoon and my mouth was itching to try those desserts. Being late isn’t really much of a big deal though especially when the professor takes the attendance after the class. Haha!





– Ermelinda and Chebi


– My friend drew this for me 🙂


– Caramel Macchiato


– Toast topped with ice-cream
