I’ve so much to thank for♥ (Part 2)

This is a continuation of my previous post. Hence, the title. My sister is on the other side of the world and it’s been years since we last saw each other, but thanks to technology, it’s not hard to reach her. Anyway, she sent me a recording of her voice wishing me a happy birthday and I couldn’t stop laughing cause she was making this funny voice. Moreover, she sent me a picture of her. Aww, so sweet.


For dinner, my mom, boyfriend and I had dinner at the Pokka Cafe, same place where my bf had his birthday. The food is just to die for, which is why we keep coming back. It was just the three of us since my dad had to work that night and my brother had school the next day. We had a lot to eat, as usual and the moment I got there, I was oh so hungry and I couldn’t wait. I had such a lovely birthday and it’s actually the third year I’m celebrating it with Carlos. Aaah! Time really flies!

P.S.  The light was too bright and I didn’t bring a camera so the photos were taken from my phone.

– Food!!!!


–  With my Baby Fatsooo 


– With mommy!!


– My fatsoo and moi


– Banana split for dessert
